Beginning October 5th, 2022 we will resume in-person meetings as a Guild.  Our meeting place, the Hamilton Mountain Terryberry Library, is now open to full group meetings.  All are welcome!

Our writing groups meet regularly in-person, on Zoom, or on other platforms to workshop and develop writing skills. Please contact one of the writing group coordinators below. 

If you are not a member but would like to attend a writing team meeting, please email the writing team coordinator. 

“The Green Room” is a list of members and attenders who are not (yet) a part of one of the writing teams. Coordinator Anita:

Writing Team 1 Coordinator Susan:

Writing Team 2 Coordinator Michael: 

Writing Team 3 Coordinator Mike:

Writing Team 4 Coordinator Christine:

Writing Team 5 Coordinator Bob:

Writing Team 6 Coordinator Garvin: 

Writing Team 7 Coordinator Barry:

Writing Team 8 Coordinator TBD

To all members of the Hamilton Mountain Writers’ Guild:

If you cannot attend a meeting please notify your team coordinator so that they can plan for that. Thank you!